New Rail Yard Unlocked!

Whoa! There’s a new place in town to store your Locos.


Station Name:


Rail Yards

Rail Yards are optional add-ons Station Owners can build to provide ways for themselves and the general Railroader population to earn passive Tocium.

Public and VIP Spots

To stake a Locomotive in a Public slot, you must have a train idling at the Station you’d like to stake at. To access the Rail Yard, open the Station View and click on the Staking tab at the bottom of the window.

Be cool with the Station Owner and maybe they’ll delegate some VIP spots to you…

New Rail Yard Unlocked!

Whoa! There’s a new place in town to store your Locos.


Station Name:


Rail Yards

Rail Yards are optional add-ons Station Owners can build to provide ways for themselves and the general Railroader population to earn passive Tocium.

Public and VIP Spots

To stake a Locomotive in a Public slot, you must have a train idling at the Station you’d like to stake at. To access the Rail Yard, open the Station View and click on the Staking tab at the bottom of the window.

Be cool with the Station Owner and maybe they’ll delegate some VIP spots to you…

Powered by WAX

Train of the Century is the only Railroad Simulator game powered by blockchain tech. We think a big reason for this is that most blockchains cannot handle the tens of thousands of daily transactions a Railroad Simulation game requires.

The Wax Blockchain not only makes this possible, but it also does so lightning-fast and without paying a single gas fee.



Railroaders are one-of-one PFP Ethereum NFTs that you can show off throughout the Centuryverse. Everyone will gaze in wonder when they see your Railroader in leaderboards, Station interactions, or the Railroader Emporium.

In-Game Bonuses

Besides looking fresh as hell, Railroaders NFTs will grant their holders several in-game bonuses.

Railroaders begin minting in July 2022